I am

Baratunde Cola

Motivator | Entrepreneur | Scientist

Excellence inspired by service ™

I enjoy the challenge of helping others to achieve their best, and learning more about people in the process. I am creative in thought and action, and love making connections that bring new understanding to life. I am competitive, disciplined, and patient, and gain energy from sharing kindness, humor, and life with others. Excellence inspired by service is the life I chose to purse and share.

I received my B.E. and M.S. degrees from Vanderbilt University, while playing on the football team as a starting fullback, and my Ph.D. from Purdue University, all in mechanical engineering. I direct the Nanoengineered Systems and Transport Lab at the Georgia Institute of Technology, which helped to start Carbice Corporation, TCpoly, and the Academic and Research Leadership Network. I have published numerous highly cited papers and patents related to energy transfer and nanotechnology. In 2017, I was named the top scientist or engineer in the country under 35 years old by the United States of America National Science Foundation. I am an award winning public speaker and frequent keynote presenter.

I live in Atlanta, GA with my wife and two daughters.

“I don’t want to preach and teach. I want us to collaborate. I fundamentally believe that everybody has something that they are interested in that they are good at that they like. Whatever it is I will show them how my experience relates. Then we meet at a common place.”

Baratunde Cola